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In association with the Centres the Stephen Palmer Partnership Ltd can also run seminars or masterclasses within your organisation, run by leading experts in their field. These can focus on a range of topics from Stress Management , Time Management or Assertion Workshops. We can also run a number of more specific workshops on a range of subjects. These include:


Cognitive Behavioural Coaching


Covering the theory and practice of cognitive coaching and application of skills to enhancing performance, increasing resilience and managing stress. Content includes: definitions and models of cognitive coaching, assessment, overcoming procrastination, thinking skills, performance interfering and enhancing thoughts, imagery skills, inference chaining, practical use of forms.


Setting up in private practice


Covering the skills required to operate a successful independent practice whether as a coach, counsellor, trainer, psychologist or therapist. Content includes: business skills, professional skills, personal skills.


Coaching supervision


Covering theoretical input and skills practice into the area of coaching supervision. Content includes: five stage approach to coaching supervision, different models of coaching supervision, learning styles and supervision administration.


Health & wellbeing coaching


This course provides an overview to health and wellbeing coaching. It is underpinned by the evidence based cognitive behavioural approach.


Imagery techniques


Covering the use of imagery techniques in coaching, cognitive coaching and counselling. Content includes: goal-focused imagery, coping imagery, motivation imagery, time projection imagery, anger-reducing imagery, habit-breaking imagery.


Cognitive behavioural therapy

Covering the theory and practice of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). Content includes assessment and basic CBT skills including eliciting thinking errors and teaching thinking skills, and use of the Daily Thought Records in therapy.


Masterclasses & workshops

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